Set Choice Field Allow 'Fill-in' Choice option As TRUE For all the Lists in Site Collection Programmatically using C# CSOM in SharePoint Online
Here I demonstrate how to update Choice column property AllowFillInChoice as True for all the Lists in Site Collection using console application
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; using System.Security; namespace AllowFillInChoice { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var ctx = new ClientContext("")) { string userName = ""; string pwd = "--------"; var securePassword = new SecureString(); ; foreach (char c in pwd) { securePassword.AppendChar(c); } securePassword.MakeReadOnly(); try { ctx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword); Site site = ctx.Site; Web web = ctx.Web; ctx.Load(web); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); ListCollection listcoll = web.Lists; ctx.Load(listcoll); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (List olist in listcoll) { if (olist.BaseTemplate == 100) { List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle(olist.Title); ctx.Load(list); ctx.Load(list.Fields); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (var field in list.Fields) { if (field.TypeAsString == "Choice") { System.Console.WriteLine(field.Title + " - " + field.TypeAsString); var choiceField = ctx.CastTo<FieldChoice>(field); choiceField.FillInChoice = true; choiceField.Update(); ctx.Load(field); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } } }
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