Sai Dharam Tej, nephew of Chiranjeevi is making his debut with the movie ‘Rey’ in Telugu film industry. The film is going to be directed and produced by YVS Chowdary under Bommarillu banner. ‘Rey’ comes with interesting tag line ‘Shout for success’. Shubra Aiyappa and Amruta Patki are playing female lead roles in the movie, Both of them are making their Telugu debut through this movie.Yvs Chowdary yesterday unveiled a 52 pages of ‘Rey brochure invitation’ which consists of movie synopsis; short description and photo shoot of the main leads in the movie.Speaking to the media, director YVS Chowdary said that he doesn’t know the background of the Sai Dharam Tej.However, after a brief check, I came to know that he was nephew of Chiranjeevi.Explaining about the movie the director says that the film is is musical backdrop film. The character of the hero is Indian born and brought up in west Indies and the hero is very passionate about he music, So he forms a musical band Rey. Shooting of th...