Mahesh Babu, the Superstar of Telugu cinema is facing an interesting competition from Tollywood’s stylish hero, Allu Arjun. Moreover this looks like a fight, and of course we can call it a rare feat too. Apparently Mahesh is the king of brand endorsements in Tollywood with many big products and deals in his kitty. Even at the worst time of delivering continuous flops, he made sure that big brands never go out of his hand. However what is catching attention is that young hero Allu Arjun is signing all rivals of Mahesh’s brands. While our Superstar is handling jewellery giant Josallukkas, Allu Arjun is the front face of their arch rival Joyalukkas. Soft drink giant Thumps Up is being endorsed by Mahesh, while Bunny energizes 7 UP with his feats. Latest fight in these rival brands is the addition of LOT Mobile store to Allu Arjun’s kitty. We all know that Mahesh is the face of Univercell, another leading mobile store in the state. Many say that this is not a fight between Mahesh and A...