How to Enable and Disable Client-Side Validation in MVC
MVC3 & MVC4 supports unobtrusive client-side validation. In which validation rules are defined using attributes added to the generated HTML elements. These rules are interpreted by the included JavaScript library and uses the attribute values to configure the jQuery Validation library which does the actual validation work. In this article, I would like to demonstrate various ways for enabling or disabling the client side validation. Enable Client-Side Validation in MVC For enabling client side validation, we required to include the jQuery min, validate & unobtrusive scripts in our view or layout page in the following order. <script src = "@Url.Content(" ~ / Scripts / jquery-1 .6.1. min . js ")" type = "text/javascript" ></script> <script src = "@Url.Content(" ~ / Scripts / jquery . validate . js ")" type = "text/javascript" ></script> <script src = "@Url.Content("...