CyanogenMod OS is Dead, New Lineage OS Unveiled!

After shocking users all around by announcing the shutdown of Cyanogen services yesterday, the CM team has some good news. The CyanogenMod team, what’s left of it, will use the CM source code and transition it into Lineage OS. The CyanogenMod ROM was and is still one of most used custom Android ROMs. A lot of users rely on the CM ROM to get the latest Android OS on their devices. When the OEM doesn’t support a device anymore, users could go to CyanogenMod to get the latest version Android running on their devices. Lineage OS will be a continuation of CyanogenMod, although it will be slightly different. It will still rely on the CM source code, and as Cyanogen mentioned in their obituary, anyone can use the open source-code to continue the work. The CM team realized that a lot of users still relied on CM to get the latest Android update and so have formed the new OS. “Embracing that spirit, we the community of developers, designers, device maintainers and translators have ta...