Even before the release of his bollywood debut film ‘Zanjeer’, Mega Power Star ram charan creates waves in bollywood. He has got 10 offers from bollywood and this news was revealed by the director of the movie, Apoorva Lakhia, to an English newspaper. The director said, ” I know that he has been offered 10 films from Bollywood producers and he is in the process of deciding what to do. ram charan is fantastic actor and good dancer.He has also got good looks to make it big in this Hindi film industry. He is in a very good position, says Apoorva.” Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra teamed up with ram charan in ‘Zanjeer’. Sanjay Dutt, Prakash Raj and Mahie Gill played other lead roles of the movie. Meet Brothers and Chirantan Bhatt have scored the music of the film. Reliance Entertainment is the production house. The movie is gearing up for release on September 6 . Do you want more TechChaitu Updates ? Enter your email address: