How to know if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

You must be wondering about a contact on your WhatsApp list who is not receiving your messages even though you heard from your friends that the person comes online frequently. So, isn’t it the person has blocked you? But how to confirm that, if he or she has really blocked you are haven’t got time to see your messages. Do you know that there are a few indications which can easily confirm if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp or not. Ya! have a look at the below points and if it is happening then definitely he or she has blocked you, If: You are not able to see the contact’s last seen or online in the chat window. You are not able to see updates to a contact’s profile picture. You are unable to view the status update of the contact. When you send a message it always shows a single check mark and never shows a double check mark, which means your message never gets delivered. If you find the above indications to be true for a contact, it means the person has blocked you. Howev...