Facts About ‘Sex’ Which You Don’t Know
Though sex still remains a taboo for most, it’s the most natural thing in the world and still remains the least talked about. But it is something we all are curious and want to know more.
So, here we list 25 facts that you will be shocked and surprised to know. So read on and be prepared to get enlightened. #13 you shouldn’t miss.
1. You might be shocked to know that an average healthy man can ejaculate enough sperms in two weeks time to impregnate every woman in the world. So there’s plenty of sperm to go around.
2. Male sperm can live up to 5 days into a woman’s vagina. Male sperm is surprisingly resilient but outside female body only for few hours.
3. Sex decreases your pains, anxieties and relieves you from any sort of depression.
4. Semen can be used as an invisible ink. It happened during world war I that British secret intelligence (MI6) discovered that semen could be used as an invisible ink , the reason is simple that it apparently didn’t reacted with iodine vapor’s but later it was stopped being used because of the smell. Uh.
5. You may reconsider the idea of gulping the semen if you are on a diet because every teaspoon of semen contains 5 calories.
6. Breast size increases up to 25% during sex, so ladies you can forget your pushup bras and try to get turned on.
7. During sex, your inner nose swells.
8. Want to shed some calories? Here you go. On average you burn 100 calories in a single sex session.
9. A sperm can travel up to 7 inches in an hour’s time.
10. A woman’s sexual drive is at peak just before her menstrual flow.
11. You will find it much difficult to lie to a person you are sexually attracted to.
12. According to some studies it has been stated that having sex also triggers creativity in you. So now you know how to awake the creator inside you.
13. Sex is a great stress buster! It lowers your blood pressure and calms you down. It’s a great all natural-cure for headaches too. So, now that’s another reason to hit the bed.
14. Great time to have sex is post workout. Working out releases testosterone in your body and also circulates blood into your genital area. As a matter of fact about two tablespoons of blood is required to get a penis erect.
15. At climax, you must have felt the thumping of your heart the reason is that an average person’s heart beats at the rate of 140 beats per min.
16. Having sex at least three times a week can make you look younger by 4-7 years. So you got the key to look younger ever.huh?
17. Are you low in enduring pain? So your relief lies in between the bed sheets because sex increases your immunity to pain. While sex body releases hormones that help you increase your pain threshold.
19. Peeing after sex prevents you from catching urinary tract infections. So next time don’t forget to hit the loo.
20. You may have wondered why you don’t feel like peeing immediately after or during sex? It’s because after sex you release an anti- diuretic hormone in your body.
21. Women suffering from migraine have a higher sex drive than normal ones.
22. Most of women prefer darker areas to have sex in.
23. Phenylethylamine, present in chocolate gives you the similar pleasurable feeling that people feel when they’re attracted to someone.
24. 17 ! is the age when most men reach their sexual peak. Have you?
25. The testes increase by 50% in size when a man is aroused sexually.
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