WhatsApp: Why we love and hate the popular messaging service

The advent of the instant messaging app on smartphones has completely revolutionised the way we communicate. Here are some ways how it has come about:

The benefits...

1. Wishing on festivals and special days used to cost a bomb with telcos charging standard SMS and call rates on those days. With WhatsApp, we do not have to care for the rates any more

2. Standard smileys were common in SMS language, but WhatsApp emojis have rendered some words unnecessary. An emoji of two beer mugs clunking does a better job than 'Cheers!'

3. Earlier, sharing pictures instantly meant mailing them, putting them up on Facebook or sending through an MMS. Now, you can just click and share in no time.

4. We actually used to ring the doorbell to our friend's house and then we took to calling them. Now we WhatsApp them that we're waiting outside.

5. Earlier you had to try hard to avoid a group of people in chat — now you can set a lot of them on permanent mute.

...and the drawbacks

1. As if annoying phone calls, spam mails and text messages were not enough, tele-marketers are now sending out WhatsApp pings.

2. Any modicum of privacy we might have salvaged from a world going rapidly digital has been stripped to its last bone, after WhatsApp introduced the blue tick 'message seen' feature.


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