Pawan Kalyan, who has been suffering with back pain since past 2 years, is again effected by it during shooting of ‘Cameraman Ganga tho Rambabu‘. It all started during shooting of Komaram Puli in 2010 and continued even last year, when he was shooting for Panjaa. He even had complaints of stones in kidneys since 2 years and is on medication for that. This is the reason he didn’t dance or do much risky fights in his past few movies. But for ‘Gabbar Singh‘, he neglected backpain and took part in heavy fights and dances. He took pain killers to make sure that the film releases on time. As per the rumor mills Puri made subtle changes to Pawan’s character in themovie so that he doesn’t need to do heavy duty action episodes. Rambabu character will be more entertaining than powerful. Looks like Pawan’s problem turned boon for the prospects of the film as most of his successful films were entertainers. Let’s wish that Pawan Kalyan quickly recovers from his back pain and strikes back with hundred percent energy levels

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