Orange movie Anti Piracy Cell
“Orange” is a Telugu feature film, being produced by K.Nagababu under banner Anjana productions, Starring Ram charan,Genelia and directed by Bhaskar. This film is scheduled to be released in theatres across the world on 26th Nov,2010. As the Anjana productions has not sold or parted the DVD or video rights of the said feature film to any body, a speciacl control room has been opened in the office of Anjana Productions, PlotN o.53, Amar co-op,Durgam cheruv Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad to control or stop the piracy of this film, which will be functioning round the clock.Sri Mohd. Vaziruddin a senior retired Police officer of the rank of Asst.commissioner of police is made incharge of this Anti – piracy cell’ who will bemonitoring throughout AP and other places and conducting raids on the video parlours.The pirates will be booked under copy Rights Act. Further it is informed that in all most all districts/places, the distributors of this film and other persons and fans will be on the job to unearth the piracy of this film and pass an information to control room (cell No.9866777819, Land No. 040/65813426′Any person, who will indulge in such piracy menace, will have to face sever consequences as he will be booked under copy Rights Act. Theinformant who will pass on information leading to detection of such piracy wiil be rewarded suitabry by Anjana productions.
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