Allu Aravind is planning to transform the MAGADHEERA movie into 3D format

Buoyed with the success of Magadheera, its producer Allu Aravind is planning to transform the movie into 3D format which could take nearly a year, Cinematica Digitals Private Limited managing director Allu Venkatesh said on the sidelines of launching 3D E-Cinema technology in Hyderabad on Thursday."It’s not just Allu Aravind, ace directors like Rajamouli (Magadheera fame) and Gunasekhar (Okkadu fame) are also planning to make movies in 3D format,” he added."Compared to digital format, the cost incurred in making a 3D movie is higher. This apart there are not many theatres, which are equipped to screen 3D format movies. Hence, this forces film makers to avoid making movies in 3D format," leading cinematographer K. Senthil Kumar said.“If there are theatres which can screen 3D format movies, then film makers will definitely think about making 3D movies. This would aid in recovering the production cost faster,” he added.

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