Ramcharan’s Maerupu has been shelved after Tamil director Dharani quoted a whopping budget of Rs 40 crore.The producers seem to be having second thoughts about the film, which was launched with much fanfare a few months back and even a song sequence was shot with Ramcharan and Kaajal. “We were supposed to start shooting from December after looking at the script. But to everyone’s surprise, director Dharani came up with a whopping budget of Rs 35 crore, not including the remunerations of the stars. We realised that it wasn’t feasible and have put it on hold till the director comes up with a revised budget,” says a source in the production house.However, Ramcharan’s manager, Praveen, downplays the issue and says that “the budget is being discussed”.If Ramcharan walks out of the sports-centric film due to the inflated budget, he deserves kudos for realising the limitations of the Telugu film market. Do you want more CHIRU Updates ? Enter your email address: