CM Rosaiah launched Komaram Puli’s music today morning by being the chief guest of the occassion.On this occassion, Pawan Kalyan said that “I don’t have capability to compete with young heroes and dance like them. In reality i don’t know how to dance. I just walk rhythmically.But i worked better than my earlier movies in Komaram Puli to look better in songs. I want to give message to youth but i make sure to embed messages in my movies.” Director S.J.Suryah said that “From “KHUSHI” to “KOMARAM PULI”, energy in Pawan has increased, and if he appeared 90% romantic and 10% action hero in KHUSHI, then he will be 80% action hero and 20% romantic guy in Komaram Puli. This movie will meet all expectations and break all previous records” A.R.Rahman and his mother were chief guests at music release function held at Novotel hotel, hyderabad.They were felicitated by producer and later they released the music CD.Komaram Puli CDs and Cassettes will hit music stores soon.. Special attraction : di...