Grand Theft Auto V For PC Available On Flipkart For Rs. 2,499

Rockstar’s very popular game, Grand Theft Auto V is now on pre-order on India’s leading e-retailer website, The price of Grand Theft Auto V for PC is listed as Rs. 2,499 which is around $40. The estimated release date is written as Fall 2014, but it seems like Flipkart haven’t heard the recent Rockstar Games announcement. The company already announced that GTA V for PC has been delayed and might not come out until next year (2015). We don’t know why Flipkart has listed Grand Theft Auto V for PC so early. It might be to gain traffic and new users from Google, who knows. Anyways, let’s see when Grand Theft Auto V will be coming out for PC. So, have you played Grand Theft Auto V on your console? Do share your experience in the comment section below. Buy Now Do you want more TechChaitu Updates ? Enter your email address: