Puri Jagannadh was the chief guest at cherlapally central jail, hyderabad for yesterday’s republic day celebrations. He interacted with prisoners there and when one prisoner, who was a pawan kalyan fan, asked him about his relation with kalyan, puri replied that “ Pawan Kalyan is the hero who made me director with Badri in the year 2000.Later i narrated him many stories like Idiot, Amma Nanna Tamilammai, Pokiri, Golimaar. He always listened to my stories but it never went beyond that.But recently i met him again and narrated a new story and this time he agreed to give dates.This year, movie in our combination will release and even if you guys are not released from jail by that time, i’ll show you my movie within the jail itself. “ Puri Jagan’s movie with Kalyan will start from may 2012 and is planned to release by end of this year. Do you want more CHIRUYOUTH Updates ? Enter your email address: Click here for free Megafamily updates on mobile